Wisdom Warrior Training Store
Instructional DVDs: $30 each (includes shipping) (except where noted)
Tai Chi DVDs
- Tai Chi Push Hands 1 (beginning push hands exercises)
- Tai Chi Push Hands 2 (moving step push hands)
- Tai Chi Push Hands 3 (Push Hands & Da Lu)
- Tai Chi Warm Ups
- Tai Chi: Basics with the Movement of the Thigh to Create Circles
- Tai Chi 37 Posture Yang Style Form
- Tai Chi Sword
- Tai Chi Five Animals
- Tai Chi Applications
- Tai Chi Long Form With Explanations
- Chen Pan Ling’s 99 Posture Form Applications
- Chen Pan Ling’s Tai Chi Sword
- Thai Massage Instruction Course ($60)
Bagua DVDs
- Bagua: House of Light 1-8
- Bagua: House of Water 9-16
- Bagua: House of Mountain 17-24
- Bagua: House of Thunder 30-32
- Bagua: House of Wind 33-40
- Bagua: House of Fire 41-48
- Bagua: House of Earth 49-56
- Bagua: House of Lake 57-64
- Bagua: Single Sword
- Gao Bagua 64 Linear (linked on one side)
- Sun Lu Tang’s 8 Changes
- Sun Lu Tang’s Circle Applications
- Chen Pan Ling’s 8 Changes and Double Sword Form
- Chen Pan Ling’s 8 Changes On The Circle Applications
- Chen Pan Ling’s Bagua Double Sword
- Chen Pan Ling’s Bagua Spear
Hsing-I DVDs
- Hsing-I: Sword
- Hsing-I: Short Stick Form
- Hsing-I: Short Stick Applications
- Hsing-I: 12 Animals Applications
- Hsing-I 5 Fists Applications
- Chen Pan Ling’s 12 Animals
- Chen Pan Ling’s Hsing-I Animal Functions
- Chen Pan Ling’s Linking Forms and Sword Form
- Chen Pan Ling’s Hsing-I Staff
Shaolin DVDs
- Chen Pan Ling’s Shaolin Kuan Tao
- Shaolin Broadsword
- Shaolin Kuan Tao Form and Shaolin Spear
- Consecutive Step Boxing
- Chen Family Boxing (Feng Chuan)
- Long Boxing
- Shaolin Staff Form
- Chin Na Applications
Allen Pittman DVDs ($40 each, includes shipping)
- Gao’s Mothers
- Gao’s Linear 64
- Hsing-I System